The intersection near Cooper-Union in the East Village. The man near the right edge didn't appreciate having his picture taken. He screamed at me when he got close, clearly mistaking me for someone who was near his garbage can yesterday, perhaps competing for cans.
A few blocks away, near 4th Avenue and East Seventh St.
Striking graffitti in the Bowery
This leafy greeness is adjacent to a fine juice bar on 11th Street and 2nd Avenue named Liquiteria.
The rose-bedecked concrete playground on Thompson Street in SoHo.
I LOVE your pictures - especially the one near 4th Ave. and East 7th.
The roses look like the Knock Out roses that are becoming so popular here.
The fellow who is napping on the window ledge must be oblivious to the noise of the city. Was he perhaps a street artist? It looks like there may be a portfolio beneath him. Just curious.
Glad you two had a good trip and visit. No place like home though!
Thanks for putting up the NYC pics. My daughter just got back from there and she alraady misses the city.
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